Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What day is it?

I feel like we have been here forever. All my days are running together. Major milestones (and my notes) are all I have to keep the days straight. The nurse practitioner came in this morning after the speech therapy follow up and pulled that nasty ol' g-tube out. How exciting! Now, I guess it's torture hour because 20 minutes before Princess Caroline was expecting her feed...the MRI and the EKG guys show up. Yes, at the same time. She ran them both off in a hurry. All I could do was laugh. These people are retarted if they think that a newborn is going to hold still for tests, even more so if she's hungry. I'm starting to learn about all the fun meds and follow up care that will be necessary when we get to leave. They even asked us to bring our carseat in for a test...so it's getting closer. It had better be. Or we're going to make a run for it.


  1. She is SO BEAUTIFUL! Sounds like she's good and feisty, too! I'm so glad.

  2. Oh Lauren she is Beautiful!! You go lil' Caroline! But, as far as running, you may want to check and see if she has the "alarm tags"!
